⚠ PAYMENT UNAVAILABLE: The online payment processing solution is currently unavailable; please wait before attempting to pay for "Mandatory User Pay", "Priority Visa", or "Super Priority Visa".
Address and Opening hours



Find us here:

Tbilisi Visa Application Centre

BesikI Business Centre, 4 Besiki Street, Tbilisi, 0105 Georgia

How to get here: Visa Application Centre is located on the ground floor of Besiki Business Centre. Visa Centre can be accessed both from the central entrance of the Business Centre and from the side entrance

Please note that access to our Visa Application Centres is restricted to visa applicants or those deemed to have a legitimate reason to accompany the applicant. This includes: Escorting a minor, assisting an elderly person or someone with a disability or learning difficulty. Non-applicants will be required to submit contact details, ID and declare their connection to the visa applicant. Failing to provide the requested details may result in access being denied to non-applicants.

Prefer not to travel back to our Visa Application Centre to collect your passport when your application has been considered?

Avoid unnecessary travel, save time, and avoid the crowds by having your passport returned to you by courier.

Payment: Available Onsite


Opening hours (except public holidays)

Opening Hours Monday to Friday

08:30 - 17:00
Submission Hours Monday to Friday

08:30 - 12:45 / 14:00 - 15:00
Prime Time Appointments Monday to Friday

08:30 - 09:00
Passport Return Monday to Friday

09:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 16:30

Public holidays 2024

Monday, 1st of JanuaryNew Year’s Day
Tuesday, 2nd of JanuaryNew Year’s Day
Friday, 19th of JanuaryOrthodox Epiphany
Friday, 8th of MarchInternational Women’s Day
Tuesday, 9th of AprilDay of National Unity
Friday, 12th of AprilRamadan
Friday, 3rd of MayOrthodox Good Friday
Monday, 6th of MayOrthodox Easter Day
Thursday, 9th of MayDay of Victory over Fascism
Monday, 17th of JuneKurban Bayrami
Wednesday, 28th of AugustSaint Mary’s Day
Monday, 14th of OctoberDay of Svetitskhovloba
Wednesday, 25th of DecemberChristmas Day