⚠ PAYMENT UNAVAILABLE: The online payment processing solution is currently unavailable; please wait before attempting to pay for "Mandatory User Pay", "Priority Visa", or "Super Priority Visa".
Address and Opening hours



Find us here :

Yerevan Visa Application Centre

Vardanants street 4/50, Yerevan 0010, Armenia

The Office does not have a parking area. The closest parking zones are (for a fee):
Opera Square - underground parking;
North Avenue - underground parking.

Don’t worry about delays and travelling during busy times when booking your appointment. Choose Flexi and arrive when it suits you.

Even travelling locally right now can be unpredictable and stressful. Make life easier by booking a flexi appointment.

Payment: Available Onsite


Opening hours (except public holidays)

Standard Appointments Tuesday and Thursday

09:10 - 15:50
Prime Time Appointments Tuesday and Thursday

08:40 - 09:00
Passport Return Not Available

Not Available

Public Holidays 2023

Tuesday, 9th of MayVictory and Peace Day
Thursday, 21st of SeptemberIndependence Day